New Do-It-Yourself Electronic Protective Orders With Efiling Make Application Process More Accessible And Safer For Those Facing Domestic Violence
The Eighth Judicial District Court of Nevada now offers Guide & File protective order applications that can be e-filed remotely from a computer with Internet access. The new guided forms make the protective order application process more accessible and potentially safer for those facing the [...]
Stalking and harassment temporary protective orders can now be submitted online making it easier to petition the court
Applications for stalking and harassment temporary protective orders (TPOs) can now be submitted online. The availability of online submission by all users is a big step forward that makes it much easier for those looking to petition the courts for a protective order against stalking [...]
Guided Online Domestic Violence Temporary Protective Order Application Launched By District Court As Risks Rise Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
{“featuredImages”:[{“title”:””,”description”:””,”url”:””}],”content”:” The Nevada Eighth Judicial District Court has launched an online guided application for domestic violence temporary protective orders. The online application, available through the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada Self Help website, offers a step-by-step guide to complete a request for a domestic violence temporary protective order from the court. Upon completion […]
Domestic violence Temporary Protective Orders available by phone for safety of those facing domestic violence during the confines of the Coronavirus pandemic
{“featuredImages”:[],”content”:” The Family Law Self-Help Center is processing domestic violence Temporary Protective Order (TPO) applications by phone. Those facing domestic violence should call 702-455-1500, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., to get a TPO facilitated by phone. Help is also available by email When an applicant calls 702-455-1500, Self-Help Center staff will […]