34 CASA Volunteers set to swear oath to advocate for children after completing training
A new class of 34 CASA volunteers is ready to swear an oath on March 17 at noon to speak for abused and neglected children in foster care. The volunteers represent a cross-section of our community including several couples who will work as teams to help on cases. The ceremony will take place at Family […]
Threats of arrests aimed at seniors and other vulnerable populations used to steal thousands from frightened victims
Nobody wants to be arrested. So when seniors and others receive calls, texts or emails that they may be arrested unless they pay thousands for missing jury duty, they sometimes pay up. Unfortunately, this warrant threat is part of an old scheme that has been taken to a sophisticated new level that casts a much […]
District Court accepting applications for a TPO hearing master
The Eighth Judicial District Court of Nevada is accepting employment applications for a hearing master to hear cases involving Temporary Protection Orders (TPO) and render legal opinions and decisions on domestic violence protection order matters. The application closing date is March 18, 2025 at 5:01 p.m. Interested applicants should review the full application posting and […]
LIMA Networking Event will add momentum to program that is saving lives through treatment, training and rehabilitation
The Law Enforcement Intervention for Mental Health and Addiction (LIMA) Program, in cooperation with the University of Nevada, Reno extension Hope and Recovery Team, will host their first 2025 community resource sharing event on February 7, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the North Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno extension campus in classroom […]
Public invited to provide input on finalist candidates for court hearing master position for juvenile matters
The public is invited to provide comments regarding finalists for the juvenile delinquency hearing master position with the Eighth Judicial District Court. Public input is part of a three-tiered recruitment process established in an administrative directive for selecting District Court hearing masters and commissioners. Input on the candidates can be e-mailed to the Eighth Judicial […]
19 children including six siblings will get a voice when a new class of CASA volunteers swears their oath
A new class of 11 CASA volunteers is ready to swear an oath on Aug. 19 at noon to speak for 19 abused and neglected children in foster care. The volunteers represent a cross-section of our community including a Las Vegas Strip performer, a gymnastics coach, a law student and multiple retirees. The ceremony will […]
EJDC Administrative Order 24-06 outlines presiding judge duties
AO 24-06 https://www.clarkcountycourts.us/res/rules-and-orders/2024-08-10_09_20_25_administrative%20order%2024-06.pdf All Administrative Orders chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.clarkcountycourts.us/res/rules-and-orders/2024-08-10_09_20_25_administrative%20order%2024-06.pdf