Nevada governor names new district court judge to fill vacated seat
Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo has named the replacement for the department Y seat in Family Division of the Eighth Judicial District Court bench. The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection conducted public interviews of all qualified applicants. On January 24, the three finalists’ names were sent to the governor for consideration to fill the department Y […]
Nevada Governor announces selection to fill judicial seat in Department 27 of Eighth Judicial District Court
Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo has appointed Erika Mendoza to fill the Department 27 judicial seat on the Eighth Judicial District Court. The seat became vacant when Judge Nancy Allf retired. Prior to her appointment, she served in the Clark County District Attorney’s office since including the Gun Crimes Unit, General Litigation Team and the Appellate […]
Judges Danielle Chio and Jacob Reynolds to swear oath at investiture
Judges Danielle K. Chio and Jacob A. Reynolds will be ceremonially sworn in at an investiture on June 6 at 3 p.m. Investitures are formal ceremonies with significant symbolism, as new judges publicly swear an oath to uphold justice. The investiture will be live-streamed at Judge Chio was appointed by Governor Joe Lombardo to […]
Nevada Governor appoints new judge to Eighth Judicial Court Family Division
Governor Joe Lombardo announced his appointment of Gregory G. Gordon to the Eighth Judicial District Court, Family Division, department C. He replaces recently retired Judge Rebecca Burton. The Commission on Judicial Selection interviewed applicants and recommended three candidates to the governor for his selection to fill the vacant judicial seat. “I’m pleased to announce that […]
District Court Administrative Order 23-03 outlines case reassignments
District Court Administrative Order 23-03 outlines case reassignments to include new judges who have joined the Eighth Judicial District Court bench. Effective March 20, 2023, Judge Danielle “Pieper” Chio will preside over Department 7. Department 7 will retain the existing caseload assigned to that department. Effective March 20, 2023, Judge Jacob A. Reynolds will preside […]