LIMA Diversion Treatment Program’s Success Spells Success For The Community
A line-up of entertainers and professionals will come together on Friday, Sept. 15 at noon to celebrate the success of 22 Law Enforcement Intervention for Mental Health and Addiction program (LIMA) graduates. The event will be at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters, 400 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. The 22 graduations are a […]
I knew that if I didn’t put myself in treatment death was sure to follow
Vera Moore with Divinity House was a guest speaker at the recent LIMA Program (Law Enforcement Intervention for Mental Health and Addiction) graduation ceremony. She was speaking from experience when she said, “I had a long history of prison, as well as institutions and jails; and I knew that if I didn’t put myself in […]
“Broken shell of a person” experiences miraculous turnaround
“Broken shell of a person” are the words that 44 year-old LIMA participant Scott used to describe himself before he experienced his “miracle” recovery with the diversion program. His speech got the attention of the graduation room, and will probably get the attention of a [...]
Grad day celebration for ground breaking diversion program predicted to get worldwide notice
It’s graduation day! Excitement is in the air, gowns are being distributed, selfies are being taken and the smiles are big. But this isn’t a high school or college class getting ready for the graduate stroll. These grads are from the LIMA (Law Enforcement Intervention [...]