Jury warrant scam resurfaces in a big way – Beware of those calling for money
The jury warrant scammers are at it again. They sound official, they sound scary; but they’re just scammers calling or emailing to say that there is a warrant for your arrest for missing jury duty. They say if you pay a fine, you’ll be good. District Court Jury Services recently received a flood of calls […]
Jury system overhaul includes postcard summonses and a pay bump for jurors
A new jury services system will streamline the jury selection process and improve the experience for potential jurors. The changes begin with a new post card summons that offers three QR codes that link potential jurors to web pages with directions on how to respond to the notice, what to do the night before reporting […]
District Court to resume jury trials with extensive COVID-19 safety plan in place
The Eighth Judicial District Court (EJDC) of Nevada will resume jury trials Feb. 1 with an extensive plan in place that involves air purification, rapid testing, social distance measures throughout the process, plexiglass partitions and other precautions in place to keep jurors, judges, attorney and [...]
District Court Resumes Jury Trials With An Extensive Safety Plan In Place To Protect Potential Jurors From COVID-19
The Eighth Judicial District Court (EJDC) of Nevada will resume jury trials this week with an extensive plan in place that involves air purification, rapid testing, social distance measures throughout the process, plexiglass partitions and other precautions in place to keep jurors, judges, attorney and [...]
Secret project at Regional Justice Center revealed
If you’ve been to the Regional Justice Center recently, you’ve probably seen the white canopy covering the information booth at the south end of the building. It looks as if there is a top-secret project going on; perhaps an alien autopsy or secret art installation. [...]
Savvy mom put breaks on scam targeted at daughter and saves the day
Mother really did know best when it came to a 22 year-old former Las Vegas resident who got a call from a scammer posing as an officer, and threatening to throw her in jail for a warrant for missing jury duty. The young woman was [...]
Las Vegas part of nationwide study to solve mystery of why jury trials are on the decline
It’s not difficult to find tips online on how to get out of jury duty. Legal experts note there is a historic decline in the number of civil jury trials, both at the state and federal level. That’s the reason a luncheon panel comprised former [...]
Are juries endangered: if so – why?
Former jurors, who have recently served in the Nevada federal or state court, are sought for a panel on Sept. 5, from noon to 1:30 p.m., at the Lloyd D. George U.S. Courthouse, Jury Assembly Room, to give input on how to improve the jury [...]
Input sought from those who recently served on a jury and they’re invited to talk over lunch
Former jurors, who have recently served in the Nevada federal or state court, are sought for a panel on Sept. 5, from noon to 1:30 p.m., at the Lloyd D. George U.S. Courthouse, Jury Assembly Room, to give input on how to improve the jury [...]
Those responding to the call to jury duty get special thank you
{“featuredImages”:[],”content”:” Those who responded to the call for jury duty were greeted and thanked for their response by Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas, Chief Judge David Barker and Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez. Those in attendance were offered fresh coffee and cookies compliments of the Nevada Eighth Judicial District Court judges. They also got a sneak-peek at two new jury service […]