MAT specialty court alumni gathering set to bring support to those in recovery
{“featuredImages”:[{“title”:””,”description”:””,”url”:””}],”content”:” So many people get caught in the loop of addiction and crime. The loop is like quicksand that takes everything from those in its grip. James McCartney was caught in that grip of drinking and using for nearly 42 years, until one day in prison he realized he had to get out. That’s when […]
Governor Steve Sisolak appoints District Court assistant court administrator DeNeese Parker to Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council
Governor Steve Sisolak appointed DeNeese Parker to the Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council. Her term will run until February 2025.DeNeese was recently promotion to serve as assistant court administrator over the Juvenile Division in Family Court. This is a new position that reflects the priority [...]
Judge Jennifer Elliott honored for 10 years of service to the Dependency Mothers Drug Court
Judge Jennifer Elliott was honored for her 10 years of service to the Dependency Mothers Drug Court program. WestCare Nevada presented Judge Elliot a plaque at their annual graduation ceremony Sept. 19.Judge Jennifer Elliott launched the specialty court aimed at helping moms with addiction and [...]