Step up to boost graduation rates in our community
Skipping school, cutting, ditching, or as it is officially known – truancy, is a gateway to dropping out of school and criminal activity. The Truancy Diversion Program’s (TDP) gets kids in school and on track to graduate, so they can move on to achieve career [...]
Kudos to those in the trenches fighting the battle
There’s a long held belief that showing up is half the battle to achieving success. That belief holds true when it comes to school. A recognition event was held Friday for Truancy Diversion Program volunteers who are in the trenches at schools getting kids to [...]
As school year winds down those who motivate students to graduate to be recognized
Chronic absence correlated to high dropout rates has long been an issue in Nevada’s public schools. A recent report shows recent improvement in Clark County graduation rates. According to the Clark County School District (CCSD), one of the key programs to combat habitual absenteeism is the [...]
School Truancy, dropout and youth crime to be tackled at National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges School-Justice Partnership summit
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) School-Justice Partnership Summit will be held on Sept.15 from 8 a. m. to 3 p.m. at Family Court Campus/Child Haven, 701 North Pecos, Las Vegas, Red Rock Training Room – 701 Building K2. The focus [...]
Truancy Diversion Program to recognize volunteers who motivate students to stay in school and on-track to graduate
Truancy Diversion Program (TDP) volunteers who commit to a school-year of weekly truancy diversion court sessions on a Clark County School District (CCSD) campus will be recognized on Friday, June 9 at 1 p.m. to be held at the Ballroom at Main Street Station 200 [...]