Champions for CASA, a new non-profit with the mission to recruit, retain and recognize Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteers, will mark their official launch on Oct. 6 at noon in front of Family Court by the flags at 601 N. Pecos Road. The exciting event will kick-off with a banner busting to launch a banner volunteer recruiting campaign, a signing ceremony and an unveiling of an unparalleled game plan to recruit much needed volunteers.
A new memorandum of understanding has been established between the Champions for CASA and the Eighth Judicial District Court CASA Program to accomplish that mission and meet the goal of having a CASA volunteer to advocate for every child in foster care in Clark County.
“This new partnership between District Court and the Champions for CASA brings fresh new energy to recruit more outstanding volunteers to the CASA Program and give a voice to many more abused and neglected children,” said District Court Chief Judge Jerry Wiese. “The Champions for CASA board is comprised of a good mix of CASA volunteers and business professionals with the necessary expertise to successfully achieve their mission.” Their mission and other details are on their new website www.championsforcasa.org
The Champions for CASA board members are: Jenifer Page, Debra Gallo, Michael Samuel, Dr. Michelle Giddings-White, Keith E. Wingate, Kelly Gaines, Adam Campbell and Kimberly Coats.
“Our CASA volunteers are amazing people who are advocating for and changing the stories of abused and neglected children,” said Presiding Family Court Judge Rebecca Burton. “We expect Champions for CASA to provide a big lift to the CASA Program toward allowing it to meet the statutory requirement of appointment of a CASA volunteer for every child in foster care.”
To learn more on Champions for CASA visit www.championsforcasa.org
The CASA program, which is part of the Family Division of the Eighth Judicial District Court, recruits, screens, trains and supports volunteers to represent the best interests of hundreds of foster children annually. The advocates volunteer about two hours a week to represent the children in school, child and family team meetings, and in court. Volunteering for the program involves a two-year commitment and a willingness to spend quality time with the children to advocate for them. For more information about the CASA program call 702-455-CASA, or visit www.casalasvegas.org.