Debra(Debi) Gallo, Secretary
Adam Campbell, Treasurer
And the board of directors:
Dr. Michelle Giddings-White
Keith Wingate
Kelly Gaines
Michael Samuel
Kimberly Coats
Shelia Parks, Ex Officio Board Member

The Champions for CASA non-profit launched today and they’re expected to score big for abused and neglected kids. Judge Frank Sullivan introduced the Champions for CASA as “the newest team in Las Vegas with the mission to recruit, retain and recognize Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteers.”
The need is big. In Clark County there are over 3,200 abused or neglected children experiencing extremely difficult and traumatic circumstances and are in need of an advocate to speak on behalf of their best interests in our child welfare system. More than 2,000 children in our child welfare system are without an advocate or independent voice expressing their best interests.
“I am Confident that our Champions for CASA will help us reach our goal for having a CASA for every child in the system,” said District Court Chief Judge Jerry Wiese. “On behalf of the court, I express our appreciation and I say thank you to each one of our Champions for CASA for their willingness to fight for the CASA program and for the children in our community.”
Pursuant to NRS 432B.500,after a petition is filed that a child is in need of protection, pursuant to NRS 432B.490, the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem or a trained Court Appointed Special Advocate for the child.
“We are particularly grateful to have Champions for CASA, that is going to help to recruit more of these wonderful awesome people who are going to continue to serve the best interests of the children by volunteering their time, their commitment, their dedication and their hearts to these kids,” said Presiding Family Division judge Rebecca Burton. Judge Burton presented the Champions for CASA with a proclamation.
Research shows that when a Court Appointed Special Advocate is assigned, children experience significantly fewer placements, are less likely to re-enter the child welfare system, and receive more services, which improves their well-being and outcomes.
“Today, we begin the essential journey to find a voice for every abused and neglected child in our community,” said District Court CEO Steven Grierson. “We entrust Champions for CASA to be our stable public face and force in the recruitment and retention of what I consider the best volunteer opportunity in all of Clark County, the CASA volunteer.”
The Champions for CASA revealed their game-plan that includes events to increase retention and recognition of CASA volunteers including: CASA nights out, tickets to events, annual recognition, retreats, each one reach one incentives, CASA swag, volunteer appreciation, education and training. They will also raise funds to advertise, host recruiting events and otherwise support the CASA Program mission.
“Champions for CASA is a 501C3 that was formed by a group of fellow Court Appointed Special Advocates who came together because we know first-hand the importance of being a CASA volunteer,” said Champions for CASA board president, Jenifer Page. She then issued a call to action for the community and invited participation in four main ways: to become a CASA volunteer, donate, help to build awareness or provide incentives. “I challenge each and every one of us in our community to do their part to change the story of these important kids.”
A memorandum of understanding was established between the Champions for CASA and the Eighth Judicial District Court CASA Program on June 16, 2022, to achieve the goal to help recruit CASA volunteers for every child in foster care in Clark County.