
Litigants who owe fines or fees in the Nevada Eighth Judicial District court should pay them remotely. The Clerk’s Office is closed to foot-traffic as a safety measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Those who need to pay fines or fees should call 702-671-0726, Monday through Friday, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. for Visa or MasterCard payment. Mail payments can be made with a money order sent to: District Court Clerk, 200 Lewis Ave – 3rd Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89155.

The Clerk’s Office maintains a safety protocol for clerks tasked with opening mail and handling paper documents. Other than mail, no paper documents will be accepted by the court at this time.

For other information visit the Nevada Eighth Judicial District Court Website www.clarkcountycourts.us visit the Clerk’s Office page at https://www.clarkcountycourts.us/departments/clerk/ Records department phone 702-671-0555.
