A View from the Bench is an interactive discussion of recent Nevada Supreme Court Cases presented by a panel of our distinguished Business Court Judges on Friday, September 19 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Regional Justice Center (200 Lewis Ave., Las Vegas), Courtroom 3A. Join Judge Nancy Allf (Moderator), Discovery Commissioner Bonnie Bulla, Judge Kathleen Delaney, Judge Mark Denton, and Judge Susan Scann. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Participants also get 1.5 General CLE credits. The cost of admission is acceptance of one pro bono case or two Ask-A-Lawyer sessions. View available pro bono cases and Ask-A-Lawyer ppportunities at http://www.lacsnprobono.org. Register online at: lacsnprobono.org. For more information, contact the Pro Bono Project
at probono@lacsn.org or (702)386-1444.