Eighth Judicial District Court administration has been working on a plan to address different scenarios should the coronavirus become an issue for our community. District Court Chief Judge Linda Bell sent a communication to court staff acknowledging concerns about the potential for the spread of the coronavirus to our community. In her email she reminds that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is urging people not to panic. She emphasizes the effectiveness of adopting protective measures to prevent acquiring the coronavirus, as well as early screening, testing and treatment. “The risk of getting coronavirus in the U.S. is currently low. And even then, it is estimated that 80 percent of people infected experience only mild to moderate symptoms. At this point, the best offense is a good defense. I encourage everyone who works for the court to focus on prevention,” Judge Bell wrote in her email. The communication also includes CDC guidelines that reduce potential for contracting the virus, such as hand washing, contacting health care providers and staying home when sick.
Judicial departments have been encouraged to use video appearances or telephonic appearances when good cause is shown. Other measures have been taken to ensure that the courthouse is prepared if COVID-19 becomes an issue for our community.