
District Court is bidding farewell to a record setting number of judges when the new term begins in January. A virtual retirement was held as a sendoff for the 11 judges who are moving onto to new chapter of their lives. Chief Judge Linda Marie Bell thanked the judges for their contributions, “I appreciate all that each one of you has done for the court, the tremendous amount of serve and knowledge that you each bring to the court every day, your hard work and effort. The citizens of Clark County have been well served by the group of judges who are retiring today. I am so appreciative of each and every one of you.”

Each judge received a proclamation and Presiding Family Judge Rebecca Burton did a presentation on the crystal gavels each judge will receive. An audio visual presentation was played a reminder of the many significant contributions the judges have made including: working on intense dockets, adoption fairs, community outreach and other memorable moments.

Judge Bell closed out the ceremony and said, “Congratulations to all the judges who are retiring. It’s such a bittersweet time for us in the court.”  The District Court will have 22 new judges outgoing judges and new judicial seats in January.

“Every day judges make decisions that really profoundly affect people’s lives. I want to thank you for all the decisions you’ve made,” said Judge Bell. “You have all profoundly touched the many, many people who have come before you. You’ve enabled them to move forward with their live. You’ve helped victims of crime get closure. You’ve helped people with civil disputes get things resolved so they can move forward; and decided how families will shape themselves after a divorce and helped all of the people who have come in front of you. And you’ve done it with grace and dignity. I have so much respect for each of you and the hard work that you have done over the many years you have spent in service to the court. You all could have done other professional things that are more lucrative. Instead, you chose to take on this very difficult job to serve the people of the community; and it is an honor to have worked with you.”

District Court bids a fond farewell to:

The Honorable Valerie Adair

The Honorable Lisa Brown

The Honorable Kenneth Cory

The Honorable Jim Crockett

The Honorable Kerry Earley

The Honorable Carolyn Ellsworth

The Honorable Douglas Herndon

The Honorable Stefany Miley

The Honorable Cheryl Moss

The Honorable Sandra Pomrenze

The Honorable William Potter

Special thanks to all the judges for their commitment and contributions to the community; and best wishes for a fulfilling future.
