Department XXV

Kathleen E. Delaney
Office – (702) 671-0850
Fax – (702) 671-0854
Law Clerk – (702) 671-0851
Email –
Location – RJC Courtroom 15B
Regional Justice Center
200 Lewis Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89155
Kathleen E. Delaney
Department 25
Eighth Judicial District Court
Term of Office: 2009 – Present
Kathleen E. Delaney has been a practicing attorney since 1990. She was elected to the District Court in 2008 and took the bench in Department 25 on January 5, 2009. Judge Delaney is currently assigned to hear Criminal and Civil matters. She is one of 6 Judges who conduct Business Court settlement conferences, and she is designated as the Alternative Judge for Business Court matters.
Prior to joining the bench, Judge Delaney worked as a Senior Deputy Attorney General in the Bureau of Consumer Protection for the Nevada Attorney General’s Office, where she enforced consumer protection laws in criminal, civil and administrative law cases.
Prior to her tenure as a Senior Deputy Attorney General, Judge Delaney served as the Vice President and General Counsel for Treasure Island Corp. from 1998 to 2001 and the Assistant General Counsel for The Mirage Casino-Hotel from 1991 to 1998. In addition, Judge Delaney spent her first year of practice as an associate with the Los Angeles-based firm of Hill, Farrer & Burrill.
Judge Delaney earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from The Colorado College in 1987 and her Juris Doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1990.
No weapons are allowed in the courtroom at any time. There is no eating, drinking, smoking or chewing gum permitted while court is in session.
Proper courtroom attire is required. No shorts or tank tops will be permitted. Shoes are required. T-shirts or other clothing that depict offensive slogans or pictures are also not allowed and persons wearing these items may be removed. Hats should also be removed before entering the courtroom.
While in the courtroom, please sit quietly when court is in session. Do not talk or whisper. The court proceedings are being recorded by a court reporter and noise can interfere with the preparation of this important record.
All beepers, cellular telephones, and electronic devices must be silenced or turned off before entering the courtroom.
Attorneys are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards at all times and to strictly adhere to the requirements and deadlines set by the Judge. All counsel are to be punctual for all conferences, hearings and trials. Counsel are expected to display the highest level of civility and decorum toward one another and the Court at all times.
Exhibit Guidelines
Handout for Counsel – Civil Bench Trials
Handout for Counsel – Civil Jury Trials
Transcript Order Form
Department 25 Zoom Information
Court Current Assignment
- Department 25 is currently assigned Criminal Court and Civil Court dockets, as well as overflow Business Court matters and settlement conferences.
Courtesy Copies
- Department 25 does not require courtesy copies of any motions.
- Department 25 requires counsel to provide a hard-copy of all exhibits to be admitted into the record for any type of evidentiary hearing.
Default Judgment Prove-Ups
- All Default Judgments for a total award of less than $50,000 may be submitted to chambers.
- All Default Judgments for a total award of $50,000 or more must be set on the Department’s regular motion calendar. Please indicate “Hearing Requested” in the Application for Default Judgment if the total award requested is $50,000 or more.
- The Court requests that counsel provide to the Court, at least one (1) judicial day prior to the default judgment prove-up hearing, all supporting exhibits with the proposed order.
Discovery Commissioner
- Discovery disputes in Dept. 25 matters are currently assigned to be heard by Discovery Commissioner Eric Truman.
Jury Selection
- Department 25 uses a modified “Arizona Method” of jury selection, requiring voir dire to be directed toward the minimum number of jurors necessary to be qualified, rather than the entire venire.
Minor’s Compromises
- All Petitions to compromise the claims of minors may be submitted to Chambers for processing without placing the matter on the Court´s motion calendar. Proposed orders for the petition should be emailed to the Department’s Order Inbox,, and sent in both Word and PDF format.
- Pursuant to AB 122, the 2021 Amendment to NRS 41.220, blocked accounts are no longer required for amounts under $2,500.00. The Order must have language stating that the parent or guardian to whom the proceeds of the compromise are ordered to be paid will use the proceeds at his or her discretion for the benefit of the minor, in compliance with any terms or conditions ordered by the Court.
Motion Calendar Schedule
- Department 25 hears Criminal Court matters on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.; and Civil Court matters on Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m.
Court Reporter or a Court Recorder for its official record
- Effective September 19, 2022 Department 25 will be using a Court Recorder.
- For court recording transcripts from September 19, 2022 to present, contact Velvet Wood at
- For court reporting transcripts prior to September 19, 2022, please contact the Department directly at
Orders Approved by the Parties for Submission
- Department 25 requires all proposed orders to be submitted to the Department’s Order Inbox,, in Word and PDF format within fourteen (14) days of notification of the ruling, pursuant to EDCR 7.21, unless additional time is requested and approved in advance by the Court.
- Counsel designated to prepare the order is required to provide a draft to opposing counsel(s), allowing for a reasonable opportunity for review and comment.
- All orders must have original signatures from all parties or an email – appended as the last page(s) of the proposed order – confirming that the parties approved use of their electronic signature.
- If approved, pursuant to Administrative Order 20-10, your document will be filed directly into Odyssey. It is your responsibility to ensure you are registered with Odyssey File and Serve to receive a copy of your filed document. The document will be filed into the case, and it will be your responsibility to noticed with entry of the filed copy.
- You will only be notified by the Department if there is a problem with your submission. The Department will not send you a filed copy directly.
Orders Contested by the Parties
- Parties with knowledge of a possible competing order are required to notify the Law Clerk at , and any party submitting a competing order must do so within 24 hours of the first submitted order.
- Contested orders may also be resolved by submission to chambers of an explanatory letter, copied on all parties, with a draft of a competing order. No explanatory information may be submitted to or will be accessible to the Court through the Department’s Order Inbox. All communication must go through chambers staff.
- Department 25 will choose the Order that most accurately reflects the Court’s decision. If neither order submitted is accurate, the Court will draft make necessary revisions to one of the submitted order or draft its own order.
Regular Chambers Calendar
- Department 25 does not have a regular chambers calendar. All matters are required to be set on the Department’s regular motion calendar.
Remote Appearances
- Department 25 utilizes Zoom Video Conferencing for all approved audio/visual appearances for both Criminal Court and Civil Court matters.
- Department 25 will accept facsimile, electronic, and typographical signatures.
- For guilty plea agreements, defendants must sign the agreement. Attorneys cannot sign the GPA on the client’s behalf.
Unopposed Motions
- Department 25 may grant unopposed motions in advance via minute order.
- Counsel is required to appear for unopposed motions unless otherwise notified by the Court.