Adult Guardianship – Person & Estate Summary

Forms to File After You Are Appointed As Guardian: Form
1. File Guardian’s Acknowledgment of Duties LINK1
2. Submit Proposed Letter of Guardian to the Court Clerk and Request that the Letter of Guardian be Issued LINK
3. File Order Appointing Guardian LINK
4. File Notice of Entry of Order Appointing Guardian LINK
5. File Inventory LINK
6. Plan of Care (if Court Ordered) LINK
7. Monthly Budget (if Court Ordered) LINK
8. Proof of Blocked Account (if Court Ordered) LINK
9. File Registered Agent Notice (if Court Ordered) LINK1
Forms to File Every Year, Within 60 days After Your Anniversary Date: Form
1. File Report of Guardian LINK
2. File any Confidential Medical/Educational Documents LINK
3. Annual Accounting Packet – File Annual Accounting, Notice of Hearing for the Annual Accounting, Certificate of Service, Order Approving Accounting and Notice of Entry of Order (if assets exceed $10,000 during reporting period) LINK