
Our Mission
The Guardianship Compliance Division (GCD) of the Eighth Judicial District Court seeks to develop and foster a culture of accountability in guardianship cases and monitor the well-being of protected persons.
The GCD monitors adult and minor guardianship cases in Clark County for required compliance submissions. This includes noticing guardians for missing letters of guardianship, guardian’s acknowledgment of duties, inventories, annual reports of guardian and annual accountings. The Division also reviews all annual reports of guardian and accounting submissions for completeness. Any noted concerns are provided to the Court for review.
When ordered by the Court, the GCD also conducts investigations into proposed protected and protected persons living conditions and other circumstances to gather information to assist the Court with making decisions on placement and other matters.
The GCD also monitors the Guardianship Hotline and emails that come in regarding requests for information, as well as concerns regarding protected persons’ personal well-being, safety, fraud, and abuse.
Department Information
Regional Justice Center
200 Lewis Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89155
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Phone: (702) 671-4614
Fax: (702) 477-3044