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Since the Civil Law Self-Help Center opened at the Regional Justice Center (RJC) 10 years ago, nearly a half million interactions have helped people take the law into their own hands by representing themselves in court. In partnership with the Clark County courts, the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada Civil Law Self-Help Center helps those representing themselves on civil matters navigate the system. The decade of service to the community will be marked with a celebration on Dec. 4 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the center in the Regional Justice Center, 200 Lewis Ave.
A supervising attorney and staff are available at the Self-Help Center to answer general questions about court procedures and practices, and assist litigants with completing legal forms available. The center has 26 computer Guide & File forms to help litigants file https://nevada.tylerhost.net/SRL/srl/ The guided forms ensure filings are properly completed to avoid delays and frustration. The Civil Law Self-Help Center also hosts Ask-A-Lawyer sessions in which volunteer attorneys provide one-on-one consultations on landlord/tenant and foreclosure mediation issues.
The Civil Law Self-Help Center located at 200 Lewis Ave., is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Visit their website at www.civillawselfhelpcenter.org