

E-filing has made a lot of practices easier and more efficient in the District Court. Processes are about to improve even more with some highly anticipated upgrades coming early next year.

Some of the new features that will translate into savings for our e-filers include:

  • An envelope feature that offers the ability to bundle multiple filings of the same case together for one transaction fee.
  • The ability for the Clerks’ Office to issue Summons, Defaults and Writs electronically.

Beta testing of the upgrades will be underway for the next few months, to ensure that the new upgrades are ready for prime-time. Attorneys who are interested in participating in the beta-testing should email wendelb@clarkcountycourts.us.

Public Access

Also early next year, District Court will take over the responsibility for the overall administration of Public Access through a new portal with access to all case types. This decision creates an opportunity for the court to evaluate costs associated with accounts and possibly further reduce those costs. Presently, costs are being assessed on a month-by-month basis. That is likely to change to a flat yearly fee that will save users money. Cost reduction is definitely good news. There are other benefits that those who use DAP and Attorney Corner can look forward to including:

  • Merging of all access of all case types into one site/one account
  • Mobile/tablet friendly
  • Improved search functionality

The transition to an electronic court has been a process that continues to evolve and improve. The District Court is committed to improving efficiencies to make it easier and more cost effective to do business with the court. As District Court gets further along in the process, we’ll keep you posted.
