The Eighth Judicial District Court is currently accepting applications for a Court Hearing Master. Resumes must be submitted to the attention of EJDC Human Resources manager Edward May via FAX at (702) 671-4560, or emailed at MayE@clarkcountycourts.us, or mailed/hand-delivered to the Regional Justice Center-District Court Administration, 200 Lewis Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89155-1791 by 5 p.m. on December 7, 2016. Visit the court website news section for more information https://www.clarkcountycourts.us/media/releases/COURT%20HEARING%20MASTER%20JOB%20ANNOUNCEMENT%2011-30-16.pdf
This position will be assigned to the Chief Judge and responsible for hearing matters and rendering legal opinions and decisions in case law in the areas of Specialty Courts, including: Mental Health Court, Felony DUI Court, Veterans Court, Drug Court, and Civil Commitment Court. This position may also assist in other case types as assigned by the Chief Judge.