Attorneys with civil practice in the Eighth Judicial court of Nevada should not miss the Zoom Civil Bench-Bar meeting on Tuesday, March 9 at noon. Chief Judge Linda Bell will provide details on the re-start of jury trials. Participants will get details on the COVID-19 trial safety plan, procedures and get questions addressed. Those who tap into the session will also hear from New Discovery Commissioner Jay Young and get a preview on changes in ADR & discovery departments.
Commissioner Erin Truman will offer up information on jury trial alternatives in the time of pandemic and short trials. Judge Joanna Kishner will give valuable insight on working effectively with your trial judge; and Judge Nancy Allf will share must know info on bench trials. The Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada will provide a summary of upcoming pro bono opportunities The meeting will be capped off with appellate case summaries and bar updates.
Attorneys who are interested in joining the Zoom session can email EJDCBenchBar@gmail.com
Please email questions, topic suggestions, calendar items, or other inquiries to: