Jury Services
Our American system of justice depends upon the active participation of its citizens and derives its legitimacy from the fact that citizens with no attachment to any side in a dispute act as judges in determining the facts and deciding a case. Without the participation of citizens, our system of justice loses its vibrancy and luster. To serve as a juror is an honor, and in spite of the inconvenience or sacrifice, it is a tremendous opportunity that most find interesting and rewarding.
Hours of Operation:
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 5:00PM (excluding holidays)

Complete the juror questionnaire within 5 days of receiving the summons.
To request a deferral, excusal, exemption or disqualification:
Complete the jury questionnaire by using the link above. After requesting a deferral, disqualification, excusal, or exemption, please email documentation in support of your answer to jury@clarkcountycourts.us. Requests without documentation will not be accepted.
If you cannot respond online or do not have access to a computer call Jury Services at (725) 215-1011

- The night before your reporting date after 6:00pm check the Juror Access website to confirm whether your service is required.
- You may also call jury for an automated message: (725) 215-1011

Maps & Parking
Juror Information
The Eighth Judicial District Court makes every effort to minimize the inconvenience to its citizens serving on jury duty. If not assigned to a jury panel or selected as a juror the first day, a juror will have fulfilled his/her service and will not be called again for at least eighteen months. Once assigned to a jury panel, a prospective juror remains on the panel until excused or selected as a juror. Occasionally, the selection process may take more than one day, but that is the exception rather than the rule. Individuals selected and sworn as jurors remain for the duration of the trial. Average trials are three to five days. There are extremes at both ends of the spectrum, but that is the average.
Message from the Chief Judge
To qualify as a prospective juror you are required to:
- Be 18 years or older
- Be a citizen of the United States
- Be a resident of Clark County
- Be without a felony conviction, unless your civil rights have been restored
- Understand the English language.
The night before your appearance date, check the reporting instructions to see if you are required to appear. On your scheduled appearance day, report to the court location listed on your summons.
On the first day of service you may be called as early as 7:30 am and must be prepared to remain at the courthouse until 5 p.m. You are welcome to bring a book, magazine, tablet, laptop, or personal work with you. However, local newspapers are not allowed because they may contain information about a pending trial.
The use of social media while on jury service is also not permitted while serving on jury duty and if selected as a juror throughout the duration of the trial.
Proper clothing is required in the courtrooms of the courthouse. No shorts, halter tops, muscle shirts, tank tops, hats or jogging suits are permitted. A suit and a tie are not required to serve as a juror. Hats and sunglasses must be removed in the courtroom.
If you are unable to report for jury service on your reporting date, please contact the Jury Services office at (725) 215-1011 during business hours at least 5 business days in advance.
Employers are required by Nevada State Law, NRS 6.190, to allow you, as a prospective juror, the time off to participate in the jury process. An employer’s failure to comply may result in a civil action against the employer.
Each person summoned to report is entitled to a fee of $65 for each day after the second day of jury selection, or upon being sworn in as a juror, whichever comes first. Mileage is reimbursed at 36.5 cents a mile if the residence is 30 miles or more (one way) from the place of trial.
Click here for parking and location information.
Beverages and snacks may available for purchase at many Courthouses on breaks or during lunch. These items may not be taken into the courtroom except for water. You may bring your own drinking water or water bottle, but no glass containers. All court houses are No-Smoking buildings. There is no smoking or vaping allowed. Break and lunch times are determined by the Court. Many restaurants are located in the areas around the courthouse.
When you are sworn in as a juror in a case on trial, there are some rules of conduct you should observe.
Discussing The Case – During the trial, jurors should not talk about the case with each other, with the parties, witnesses, attorneys or other persons, or allow other people to talk about the case in their presence. Someone may believe that something improper is taking place. If anyone should insist upon talking about the case to you, tell that person that you are on the jury and must not listen. If any person attempts to influence you as a juror, you should report it to the judge or marshal at the first opportunity.
Radio and Newspaper Accounts – Jurors must not listen to radio or television accounts of the trial or read articles which may appear in newspapers during the trial to ensure that each juror keeps an open mind until all the evidence, arguments, and the instructions of the court have been heard. Such accounts sometimes give one an unbalanced view of the case.
Don’t Jump To Conclusions – You are not to form or express any opinion on any subject connected with the trial until the case is finally submitted to you.
Don’t Be An Amateur Detective – Since the only evidence you can consider is that presented in court, your are not allowed to make an independent investigation, look up information online on the case or visit any of the places involved in the lawsuit. If it is proper or necessary for the jury to inspect a place involved in the case, the judge will so order a visit.
Promptness – It is important that jurors be on time when reporting for service. One juror who is late impacts the time of all the other jurors, the judge, the witnesses, the parties, and the other court employees. An attorney, witness, or juror may be fined for contempt of court for being late.
Dress – There is a strict dress code in District Court. Shorts, t-shirts, halter tops, tank tops, jogging suits and other brief attire are not permitted.
Inside the courtroom you will meet various individuals who do the work of the court. Once you have arrived in your courtroom, follow the instructions of the marshal and the judge.
Seated at the front of the courtroom is the Judge. The judge is in charge of the trial and considers all legal questions. Seated next to the judge is the Clerk of the Court. The clerk helps the judge keep track of physical evidence, the many court documents and she maintains court records. She also swears in all witnesses.
The marshal maintains a quiet courtroom atmosphere during the trial, guards prisoners in criminal trials and helps the judge with the jury. If you need anything, go ahead and ask the marshal.
There may be a court reporter or recorder sitting at the front of the courtroom. This individual records every word spoken in the court. The parties and their attorneys sit at tables in front of the judge.
In a civil case, the person bringing the lawsuit is known as the Plaintiff, while the person being sued is the Defendant. Usually these matters are over money or property rights.
In a criminal case, the State of Nevada is represented by a Clark County District Attorney who prosecutes defendants for allegedly committing a crime. The attorneys will present their evidence to the jury and will examine witnesses. Sometimes one attorney will object to a question or a piece of evidence. The judge may agree and refuse to allow it, or disagree and overrule the objection.
The attorneys will conclude the trial with closing statements, and the judge will instruct you about the law and how it applies to the case. At this point the jury begins to deliberate and consider all of the evidence. The marshal will take the jury to a deliberation room to discuss the case and reach a decision.
Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What shall I wear to court?
A: You are required to wear proper clothing to court. No shorts, halter tops, muscle shirts, tank tops, hats or jogging suits are permitted. A suit and tie are not required. If you have any doubts, check with Jury Services.
Q: How did you get my name for Jury Service?
A: Clark County obtains lists of driver’s license and state identification card holders from the Department of Motor Vehicles, customers of Nevada Energy, Nevada voter rolls, and the Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation. From this list, names are randomly selected to receive a jury summons.
Q: Is there any special way I must act in court?
A: You should conduct yourself as you would at any serious and important event. You should be courteous at all times. It is important that you be alert and pay attention while court is in session. You may bring a book, magazine, tablet or cell phone to read while you are waiting for court to begin or during recess. However, YOU MAY NOT BRING ANY LOCAL NEWSPAPERS TO COURT. No cameras are permitted on jury duty and electronic devices must be turned off in the courtroom.
Q: What happens if I am running late and cannot make it to court by the time trial starts?
A: It is very important for jurors to arrive on time. The trial cannot continue until all jurors are present because each juror must hear all the evidence. If you are late, all participants, including your fellow jurors, must wait for you to arrive. You may be fined for contempt of court for being late. Please telephone the appropriate judicial department or Jury Services if you are unavoidably detained.
Q: Is it all right for me to take notes during the trial?
A: You may take notes during the trial. However, it is important that you do not become so focused on note taking that you miss the overall nature of the witness’s testimony or miss important points.
Q: How long before I could get another summons?
A: You are eligible to serve again after 18 months, but selection is random. However, you could be summoned by federal court.