
Public invited to give input on District Court ADR/Discovery Commissioner candidates

The public is invited to provide comments regarding finalists for [...]

By |May 30th, 2023|Categories: Eighth Judicial District Court, public input|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Public invited to give input on District Court ADR/Discovery Commissioner candidates

Young adult treatment courts are making inroads with recovery and offering those with criminal history opportunity for a promising future

The second grad holds his new baby up for District [...]

By |May 22nd, 2023|Categories: Eighth Judicial District Court, Treatment courts|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Young adult treatment courts are making inroads with recovery and offering those with criminal history opportunity for a promising future

Las Vegas autism court brings effective methods and resources for youth and charts a course for others to follow

Marshal Oscar Arante ensures court runs smoothly & helps with [...]

Child Abuse Prevention Month To Wrap Up With 24 New CASA Volunteers Who Will Swear Oath To Speak For Children Who Need An Advocate

The CASA Program will finish the month of April, which [...]

Nevada Governor appoints new judge to Eighth Judicial Court Family Division

Governor Joe Lombardo announced his appointment of Gregory G. Gordon [...]

District Court taking applications for Alternative Dispute Resolution/Discovery Commissioner

The Eighth Judicial District Court of Nevada is accepting employment [...]

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