
Legal community mourns the loss of the Honorable Valerie Adair

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"The legal community mourns the loss of The Honorable Valerie [...]

Change a child’s story

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"Kids who end up in foster care have had their [...]

It’s all about the best interest of our kids

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"“It’s all about the best interest of our kids,” said [...]

Civil Bench-Bar gives lawyers a roadmap as court moves full speed ahead

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"If you’re a civil attorney practicing in the Eighth and [...]

Cheers to another class of CASA volunteers ready to take oath – We could really use some more to change a child’s story

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"Cheers to the 18 Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers [...]

Eighth graders take on complex mock trial before real judge

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""},{"title":"","description":"","url":""},{"title":"","description":"","url":""},{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"Judge Stephanie Charter hosted a mock trial in her courtroom [...]

By |May 7th, 2021|Categories: EJDC mock trial, Las Vegas Mock trials, Mock Trials, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Eighth graders take on complex mock trial before real judge
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