
New District Court Administrative Order 22-06 modifies juvenile delinquency procedures

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"District Court Chief Judge Linda Marie Bell issued Administrative Order [...]

Hundreds of pinwheels to be planted during child abuse prevention month to promote the big need for CASA volunteers

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"Hundreds of pinwheels will be planted by CASA volunteers, court staff, [...]

New Probate Commissioner named to serve in Eighth Judicial District Court

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"Sean M. Tanko has been named as the probate commissioner [...]

Founder of Nevada specialty court aimed at treating problem gambling gets special recognition

{"featuredImages":[{"title":"","description":"","url":""},{"title":"","description":"","url":""},{"title":"","description":"","url":""},{"title":"","description":"","url":""}],"content":"The Nevada Council on problem gambling estimates that problem gambling [...]

New District Court Administrative Order 22-05 outlines civil/criminal case reassignments for departments 2 and 9

{"featuredImages":[],"content":"ao-22-05DownloadToday, District Court Judge Linda Marie Bell issued Administrative Order: [...]

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