
DSC_0153Thanksgiving is a time for families. But many families in our community are in crisis and many of those families end up at Family Court. Last week, Family Court marked more than 20 years of service to the community with events, including two service provider fairs, intended to inform the community about the services offered to assist those families in crisis. Representatives gave out information on programs including: The Family Court Violence Intervention Program; the Family Mediation Program; the Court Appointed Special Advocate Program; classes in English and Spanish to teach effective parenting; help from Boys Town that offers a hotline and other resources for parents; counseling on substance abuse and mental health issues and foster care services through Choices and Maple Star; ways to reunify families through the FIT program; the FACT program that helps families heal from traumas and the cycle of abuse, neglect, violence and addiction; UNLV’s program for cooperative parenting; the COPE program that helps parents help their kids, Peggy’s Attic that helps young people get the things they need when recovering from abusive situations. It’s a long list; a list that many people don’t know exists. For a list of services visit the court website at https://www.clarkcountycourts.us/ejdc/courts-and-judges/family.html.
