The Eighth Judicial District Court has received $263,344 for the felony DUI court (FDUI). This award runs from Oct. 1, 2024 to Sept. 30, 2025.

“The Felony DUI program has been an effective public safety program for over two decades,” said Eighth Judicial District Court Chief Judge Jerry Wiese. We appreciate and applaud the Nevada Department of Public Safety for recognizing the value of the program and supporting best practice interventions in Nevada. This grant enables the program to offer resources to change the behaviors that lead to driving under the influence and prevent additional DUIs  and potential tragedies that could result.”

The FDUI court program is a supervised treatment program for individuals being charged with a third DUI in seven years. FDUI is a three-to-five-year treatment program in lieu of prison that requires substance abuse and mental health treatment, random urinalysis testing, breath ignition interlock device requirement on every vehicle the participant owns, operates or is maintained at their residence, intense probation supervision, six months of home confinement and routine status checks to ensure compliance. Successful completion of the program will result in the felony DUI charge being reduced to a second offense misdemeanor DUI conviction.

To be considered for successful completion of the Felony DUI Diversion Court program and to have the participant’s case reduced to a second offense misdemeanor, the following must have been achieved: No positive alcohol/drug tests, including missed, dilute, low creatinine, and other invalid tests, for a minimum of 90 consecutive days or three months. Obtained gainful, consistent employment or sufficiently involved in a vocational/educational training program determined by the treatment team and maintained consistent attendance at all court appearances and treatment appointments. Achieved an understanding of personal problems of addiction, criminal behavior, traffic safety, and relapse prevention as demonstrated through a written graduation application. The program’s outline and requirements have been proven to help individuals stay in recovery and practice safe driving practices. The Felony DUI Diversion Court strives to provide the opportunity for rehabilitation, recovery, continued resources and success.